They have a low sectional height and can withstand large loads.
They have a small rotation radius which provides a low rotation torque under equal frictional conditions, improving machinery efficiency.
They are small and light, so they can keep inertia values to a minimum during operations.
Compared with ball bearings, cylindrical roller bearings, etc., these bearings have a large number of rolling elements, the elements being long, so there is a little elastic deformation and high rigidity.
The pitch of their rolling elements is relative small, so it makes these bearings ideally suited to handle oscillating movement.
Caged needle roller bearings are able to withstand operation under severe conditions, such as high rotational speeds.
Compared with metal bushings, these bearings do not produce uneven wear and have an extremely small friction factor of 1/10. Mounting and dismounting are simple and maintenance and protection of bearing accuracy are easy.
They reduce costs and the size and weight of machinery.